
I'm the other mother - or Momma Deb. Our family is pretty much like every other family in suburbia. The girls go to school, one mom is on the PTA boards of elementary and middle school. The other mom goes to work, paints, writes, and tries to just have a good time raising kids with her partner. This is my third attempt at blogging...

Friday, March 13, 2009

On the CPM Again, & again & again...

"Back in the saddle again...."

For your viewing pleasure, here is the knee 3wks out. That big ol' honkin' long pinkish-white thing there? That's from the original surgery, 1977, Agana, Guam. No arthroscopic surgery in those days, nosireee! I wore a plaster cast from the top of my thigh to my ankle. I never hated sweat so much in my life! And the itching? Oh, pu-leeeze release me!

This, today my friends, is a cakewalk by comparison.

-- Posted From My "Mobile Device"